About Gemstone Consulting Services

The digital marketing world is constantly changing. As soon as you think you've figured it out, there's something new to learn. This is why so many business owners find themselves lost when it comes to harnessing the power of digital marketing to expand their client base and business.

While hiring a third-party agency to manage your entire marketing operation seems smart, it's only a solution when you know and understand exactly what they're going to do to get you actual results. In most cases, small business owners hire a marketing agency without knowing anything about marketing or generating leads. So this leaves the business owner in a bad predicament if the marketing agency ceases to exist, triples their prices, or fails to deliver the results they promised.

At Gemstone Consulting Services, we treat our clients as partners. We believe you are best equipped to grow your business when you know what the heck is happening with your marketing. We just don't want you to give us money. We want you to tell us your vision for your business so we can empower you to get results.

Go ahead and click the Button below to schedule a call to get started.


About Michele

Michele is the Founder and CEO of Gemstone Consulting Services. She's helped small business owners leverage digital marketing to grow their business since 2018. In addition to being a phenomenal small business marketing consultant and business coach, she is also host of Da Boss Experience Podcast. When she's not helping small business owners grow their business, she spends her time in Westchester, New York with her teenage daughter.

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(718) 971-9670